Sede Central Lleida

C/Palauet 131, 25001- Lleida

E-mail de contacto

973 228 164 / 683 442 608

Teléfono de soporte

Horario Atención

Lun - Jue: 8:00 - 13:00 y 15:30 - 18:30. Vie: 8:00 a 16:00

What is the SATE Caravista?

The thermal panel for the facade is a complex, monolithic structure. It consists of an insulation board (polyurethane foam (XPS), expanded polystyrene (PSB-S, EPS, PPS).

The outer finishing layer can be represented by different materials. You also need glue for a single connection between the insulation layer and the protective and decorative coating.

The process of gluing two materials occurs by pressing the tile into the insulation panel using a one-component polyurethane glue, which joins the structure of both materials along the entire thickness, creating a monolithic and durable structure – ceramic decorative + insulation = thermal panel.An adhesive mixture cannot provide a more reliable connection of two materials without the use of an additional pressure load with a penetrating effect on the structure of the materials to be glued.

Our company uses two main types of insulating materials:

  • Expanded polystyrene foam (EPS)
  • Extruded polystyrene foam (XPS)

To choose the most durable and high-quality material, you will need to familiarize yourself in more detail with the characteristics of each of them.


Expanded polystyrene foam (EPS)

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Polystyrene is a popular insulating material, which is distinguished by the presence of a gas-filled structure. This polymer is made up of granules that have been obtained from petroleum refining. El proceso de producción del material implica el uso de un método de expansión y sinterización adicional de todos los gránulos que se llenan con masas de aire. Por lo tanto, su volumen aumenta 50 veces.

Si comparamos la espuma de poliestireno expandido con otro aislamiento popular: la lana mineral, podemos notar el menor peso del primer material, su resistencia mecánica y el coeficiente mínimo de conductividad térmica.

Debido a su bajo peso, la capa de aislamiento proporciona la forma más sencilla posible de fijación a superficies verticales y también elimina la tensión adicional en todas las estructuras de soporte.

Extruded polystyrene foam (XPS)

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Extruded polystyrene foam is considered a modern polymer, which is characterized by excellent thermal insulation and water-repellent properties. As the main raw material, special polystyrene granules are used, which are exposed to high temperatures, which “forces” them to melt. Together with the blowing agent, the granules create a homogeneous mass, which is then extruded through the extruder, creating a continuous ribbon. When the material is completely solidified, it is cut into slabs of all sizes. Such expanded polystyrene is also characterized by minimal weight, frost resistance, has a minimum level of water absorption and does not lend itself to attack by fungi or mold. Due to its structure, it is a completely safe and environmentally friendly material that does not pose any danger to the environment.